"Time to re-tire"

Films: Rubber (2010)

Alias: None

Type: Unknown, possibly Mystical

Location: Desert/Civilized Area

Height/Weight: That of an average car tire.

Affiliation: Evil

Summary: We often rag on about how ridiculous it is when certain inanimate objects suddenly become animate and start to kill people. But here, we have a film that revels in such absurdity, and casts it in a light that should be stupid, but is oddly unnerving. It is the tale of an unlikely being, and the destruction he wrought.

History: Robert found himself halfway buried in the California desert. He wasn't too pleased with that, and got out, rolling along the road and getting his bearing. You see, Robert is a sentient tire. One that eventually learns that he can blow things up on a whim. And surprisingly, he takes to it like a duck to water. Soon, the local police force is coming for Robert and...there's an audience watching the whole thing as some kind of film, one that the sheriff is desperately trying to end, no matter what. But alas, this is a story about no reason, where things happen for no reason.

Notable Kills: It's a head-exploding tire.

Final Fate: Fed up with the last surviving member of the audience, the sheriff kills Robert with a shotgun to end the movie. However, because it's seen as an anti-climax, Robert reincarnates as a tricycle, and leads an army of tires to Hollywood...

Powers/Abilities: Robert can destroy things with some major psychic powers. He is also able to transfer his conscious to other wheeled things.

Weakness: Anything conventional.

Scariness Factor: 4-Robert is a silly concept rolling along, but also a very dangerous one. He went from blowing up small animals to the heads of people at an alarming rate, and he acts like any human sociopath with his obsession with women and remorseless murders. And worst of all? He doesn't say a thing. Because he's a tire. That should be obvious, really.

Trivia: -This film was actually meant to be about killer cubes from outer space, but no one was satisfied with how the effects looked, so they changed it.

-This film was directed by Quentin Dupieux, an experimental French director who also did "Deerskin" and, as his first venture, "Nonfilm".

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Pray for them...or not?

He's a lover. Not a drinker.

The Hell that might await him...
Terrible pun aside, they're not wrong.

It's like watching horse jockeys for him.

This revolution will have to take off its training wheels someday.
Before: "Quick! Let's stand in a straight line! That'll show him!" After:...

Never thought I'd say this to a tire, but you have a problem.
Had he'd been a better person, he'd be reincarnated like THIS chad of a tire.

"Traitors. All four of you beneath that hunk of metal."
